Need to increase your appointment-setting conversions at your company? Call tracking can help.
Call tracking is for more than just your marketing department. Advanced call tracking platforms deliver metrics to help improve your business. Below are four ways that you can improve your conversion rates by utilizing call tracking.
1. Set Goals with Your Team and Share Updates
Keep your employees accountable by not only setting specific conversion rate goals for them to hit on a monthly basis but keeping them updated on their progress to stay on track. CallSource’s Platform allows you to setup scheduled reports on a weekly basis (or whatever time frame you choose) showing your team’s conversion rates which you can share with the team—the data is right at your fingertips. By holding your team members accountable, they are sure to strive harder to reach their goals, improve their scores, and ultimately make more sales for the company.
2. Incentivize Based on Data
To take goal setting and accountability a step further, incentivize your team based off of their success. If you set a goal for your team to improve their overall conversion rate by 5% in two months, have an incentive on the line if they can improve in the time allotted. Maybe it is a monetary incentive, team outing, or some other idea—you know your employees best and what will motivate them. It is through regular check-ins on their data via web reporting that will easily tell you if your team is hitting their increased conversion rate goal.
3. Pay Attention to Areas of Improvement
Setting appointments to achieve higher conversion rates takes more than simply reading off of a phone script. CallSource encourages all managers and owners to log into the system and listen to some of your recorded calls. You should be able to hear if your call handlers are adhering to the qualities of a good phone call or not, and where you think that specific employees need to improve in their conversations.
To make this even easier and less time to consume for managers, CallSource has put together our proprietary Four Core Principles that we score phone calls based off of in our Telephone Performance Analysis (TPA) Report. Easily diagnose which area(s) of the phone call that your team needs extra training and coaching on overall and on an individual level by viewing your TPA scorecard(s), and identify where to focus your efforts to set more appointments.
4. Coach Your Team to Improve Skills
Scored calls, and call recordings, are available to you via the CallSource Platform—now you need to put action behind the analytics. Meet with your team on a regular basis, both as a team and individually to review calls. Focus on specific areas that your team and individual employees need to improve upon to set more appointments and increase their conversions.
If you don’t have the time or feel that you have the skills necessary to coach your employees on phone handling skills, CallSource has trained Call Coaches with years of experience to coach your team Coaching has been proven to increase conversions, and call tracking is the basis of this program.
So what are you waiting for? Start utilizing the data you have to start booking more appointments today!